Amateur Telescope Making
Computer Games
Mel Bartels. Mirror Making, Scope Driving and much much more
Chuck Shaw Lots of scope making ideas
Stellafane. In many ways the birth place of the hobby
Archives of the ATM mail list. All you questions answered and then some.
Webcams in Astronomy
Steve Massey. Includes many great animations
Etienne Bonduelle Fantastic deep sky images using webcams
QCUIAG The webcam astronomy group
Also see links here and here
Friends in Astronomy
Tommi Worton Great website with for sale section.
Steve Moore Astrophotography with real film!
Martin Stirland Saddam slips out of Iraq and takes up CCD imaging in Norfolk
Mark Lawrik-Thompson Nice comet pictures and more
Philip Cowley More telescope making.
Paul Gordon QCUIAGer
Norfolk Astronomy Groups. (How many astronomy groups can one small corner of England have? Quite a lot as it happens!)
Norwich Astronomical Society. Not in Norwich but definitely a great astronomical society.
Breckland Astronomical Society Very enthusiastic group of astronomers with an incredible dome.
North Norfolk Astronomical Society Friendly group with good website.
Norfolk Astronomers. The regions most ambitious group.
Astronomy Classifieds
Astronomy UK
UK Astronomy Buy and sell
The Poor Meadow Dyke Galleries are now open.