CPC Game
The early 80's were a great time for computer games writers. Games
could be coded by one person inside a month. In 1984 I bought an
Amstrad CPC 464 an assembler debugger and reference manual for the machines
ROM. These were all the tools I used to program Froggy. The system
was cassette based so every programming mistake that caused a machine crash
was followed by 15 minutes reloading assembler, debuger, and programme
code. Also I did not have a printer so all the listings were done by hand.
After getting the program running I submitted it to a number of software
companies for publishing. I recieved several offers; the best being
from Amsoft ( Amstrads software section ) to buy the game outright.
Sadly after sending me the money they decided not to publish.
So for the first time in 15+ years you can now play Froggy either on
a real CPC or using a emulator. To get the game download from the
link below.
To play the game you will need an emulator capable of opening tape files
eg mulit-machine emulator by Paul
Install multi-machine and unzip froggy.voc
put multi-machine into CPC 464 mode
type |Tape ( the | is shift the key next to 1 on
my keyboard )
open tape file froggy,voc from multi-machine file menu
type run""